Curriculum Vitae – Kytja K.S. Voeller, M.D.


Winsi | Western Institute for Neurodevelopmental Studies and Interventions
2501 Walnut St, Suite 102, Boulder CO 80302


B.A., Cultural Anthropology, Linguistics – Reed College, Portland, Oregon – 1953

M.A., Cultural Anthropology, Linguistics – Bryn Mawr College, Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania – 1958

Postgraduate studies in Chemistry and Biology, Reed College, Portland, Oregon – 1955 to 1958

Medicine, University of Rochester School of Medicine, Rochester, New York 1958 to 1960

M.D., Columbia University, College of Physicians and Surgeons – 1962

Postgraduate studies in Business Administration, University of Toledo, Toledo, Ohio, 1983 to 1984 (Accounting, Finance, Statistics, Economics, Marketing, Systems Analysis)



1962-1965 – Instructor, Pediatrics, Cornell Medical School

1965-1968 – Instructor, Neurology (Pediatric Neurology), Albert Einstein College of Medicine

1968-1974 – Clinical Assistant Professor, Department of Pediatrics, State University of New York School of Medicine (Downstate Medical Center)

1974-1975 – Clinical Assistant Professor, Department of Neurology and Pediatrics Columbia University, New York, New York

1975-1976 – Lecturer, part-time, Department of Special Education, Teacher’s College, Columbia University, New York, New York

1975-1986 – Associate Professor, Department of Neuroscience and Pediatrics (Pediatric Neurology), Medical College Ohio, Toledo, Ohio

1980-1986 – Chief, Division of Pediatric Neurology, Department of Neurosciences  1983-1986 – Adjunct Professor, Department of Communications, University of Toledo

1985-1986 – Sabbatical, Behavioral Neurology/Neuropsychiatry Fellowship, University of Florida

1986-1997 – Associate Professor, Department of Psychiatry, College of Medicine, University of Florida

1997 – 2000 Professor, Department of Psychiatry, College of Medicine, University of Florida

2000 to 2007: Research Neurologist, Greenwood Genetics Institute, Greenwood SC

2000 to present: Director, Western Institute for Neurodevelopmental Studies and Interventions, Boulder Colorado

2001 to 2007: Adjunct Professor, Department of Speech & Hearing Research, Arizona State University, Phoenix, Arizona

2003 to 2008: Consulting neurologist Wellington-Alexander Center


1968-1975 – Attending Physician, Kings County Hospital Department of Pediatrics (Pediatric Neurology), Kings County Hospital, Brooklyn, New York

1968-1975 – Attending Physician, State Hospital, Department of Pediatrics (Pediatric Neurology)

1968-1975 – Physician-in-charge (and Director of Training Program), Pediatric Neurology, Downstate Medical Center

1970-1972 – Medical Consultant, Developmental Evaluation Clinic, Downstate Medical Center (Kings County Hospital)

1972-1973 – Medical Director, Developmental Evaluation Clinic, Downstate Medical Center (Kings County Hospital)

1974-1975 – Full Visiting Physician, Harlem Hospital Center, New York, N.Y.

1975-1986 – Active Staff. Departments of Neurosciences and Pediatrics (Pediatric Neurology), Hospital of the Medical College of Ohio, Toledo, Ohio

1976-1986 – Attending Staff, Department of Neurology and Pediatrics (Pediatric Neurology), Mercy Hospital, Toledo, Ohio

1976-1986 – Courtesy Staff, Department of Neurology and Pediatrics (Pediatric Neurology), Toledo Hospital, Toledo, Ohio

1976-1986 – Courtesy Staff, Department of Neurology and Pediatrics (Pediatric Neurology), St. Vincent’s Hospital, Toledo, Ohio

1986-2000 – Attending physician, Departments of Psychiatry, Neurology, and Pediatrics, Shands Hospital, Gainesville, Florida

1990-2000 – Director, Developmental Behavioral Neurology Unit, Dept of Psychiatry, University of Florida

2000 to 2004: Consultant. Morris Center, Gainesville FL

2000- 2007 Research Neurologist, J.C. Self Research Institute of Human Genetics
Greenwood Genetics Center

2000 to present: Director, Western Institute for Neurodevelopmental Studies and Interventions, Boulder Colorado

2000 to 2007: Adjunct Professor, Department of Speech & Hearing Research, Arizona State University, Phoenix, Arizona


1962-1963 – Straight medical internship, Cornell (Second Division), Bellevue Hospi­tal, New York, New York,


1963 – 1964 – Junior Assistant Resident, Pediatrics, New York Hospital New York, New York

1964 – 1965 – Senior Assistant Resident, Pediatrics, New York Hospital, New York, New York,

1965 – 1966 – Junior Assistant Resident, Neurology, Jacobi Hospital (Albert Einstein College of Medicine), New York, New York

1966 – 1967 – Senior Assistant Resident, Neurology (Pediatric Neurology Jacobi Hospital (Albert Einstein College of Medicine), New York, New York

1967 – 1968 –Chief  Resident, third year, Pediatric Neurology, Jacobi Hospital (Albert Einstein College of Medicine), New York, New York


Behavioral Neurology Fellowship, 1985-86, University of Florida


Pediatrics, American Board of Pediatrics, 1967 (Certificate #011883)

Neurology, American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology (with Special Competence in Child Neurology), 1970 (Certificate #11248)

Neurodevelopmental Disabilities, American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology, 2004 (Certificate # 43)

Subspecialty Certification in Behavioral Neurology & Neuropsychiatry, United Council for Neurologic Subspecialties, 2006; recertification 2016, December 2020.


Arizona # 26982

California # G15773

Colorado #37309


American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Greater Phoenix Chapter, 2000-present

American Academy of Neurology, 1971-present

Arizona Medical Association, 2000-present

American Neuropsychiatric Association, 2006-present

Child Neurology Society, 1973-present

International Academy for Research in Learning Disabilities, 1998-present

International Dyslexia Society (formerly Orton Dyslexia Society), 1982-present

International Society for Research in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 1991-present

Professors of Child Neurology, 1978-2007

Society for Behavioral and Cognitive Neurology (formerly Behavioral Neurology Society) 1980-2006

The Society of Biological Psychiatry, 2009-present

Cognitive Neuroscience Society 2010-present

International Society for Serotonin Research 2018


Committee on Human Research, Medical College of Ohio, 1976-1986.

Committee on Determination of Brain Death, Medical College of Ohio, 1976-1986.

Chairman, Special Internal Committee reviewing University of Florida Institutional Review Board Policies and Procedures, Spring 1994


Autistic Community of Northwest Ohio, Inc, Board of Directors, 1976

Board of Trustees, Toledo Society for the Handicapped, 1983-1986.

Professional Group for Attention Deficit and Related Disorders, 1988-1997

Board of Directors, Florida Branch of the Orton Dyslexia Society, 1992-present

Professional Advisory Board, National Center of Learning Disabilities, 1997 -present


Reviewer/Member, HUD-3 Initial Review Group (National Institutes of Child Health & Human Development, October 1992 – June 1996

Ad Hoc Reviewer, NINDS (National Institutes of Neurological Diseases and Stroke)

Ad Hoc Reviewer, NIMH (National Institutes of Mental Health)

Ad Hoc Reviewer, NICHD (National Institutes of Child Health & Human Development)

Reviewer/Member, Panel for Center Grants and Program Projects NIMH (National Institutes of Mental Health) July 1996-2001.

Reviewer, Panel for National Institutes of Health, National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, Learning Disabilities Research Centers, October 2005.

Reviewer, Panel for National Institute of Health, Implicating Noncoding RNAs in the Genetics of Mental Disorders, October 2006.


Examiner, Part II Examination, Pediatric Neurology Section (current)

Member, Neurology, Part I Examination, Part B Question-Makers Subcommittee (January 1995 to 2004)

Member, Working Group, Neurodevelopmental Pediatrics Fellowship/residency, (consists of representatives of ABPN, American Board of Pediatrics, Professors of Child Neurology/Child Neurology Society and Society for Developmental Pediatrics to review curriculum for Neurodevelopmental Pediatrics residency (June 1997 to November 2003)


Editor, Special Issue: Journal of Child Neurology, Supplement 6, Neurobiological Nosology of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

Have served on the following editorial boards:

Editorial Board. Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacology, May 1994 to 2000

Editorial Board, Journal of Child Neurology, January 1996 to December 2010

Editorial Board, Journal of Learning Disabilities, 1986 to 1990.

Peer Reviewer, Neurology

Peer Reviewer, Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry

Peer Reviewer, Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society

Peer Reviewer, Neuropsychiatry, Neuropsychology, Behavioral Neurology

Peer Reviewer, Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology

Peer Reviewer, Neurocase

Peer Reviewer, European Journal of Neurology


McNeil Laboratories, Fort Washington, Pennsylvania, $12,500 for Research in Movement Disorders of Children using Haloperidol (in conjunction with child psychiatry).

David R. Moss Foundation, New York City, $500 for Research in Learning Disabilities in Children.

Board of Education and State of New York, $67,500 for the establishment of Learning Disabilities Clinic of Kings County Hospital (in conjunction with child psychiatry and Brooklyn College).

American Diabetic Association, $5,000 for the study of Neuropsychological Deficits in Juvenile Diabetics.

University of Florida Division of Sponsored Research, Gainesville, Florida, $7,387.50 for Research in Measurement of Affective Competence in Children.

University of Florida Division of Sponsored Research, Gainesville, Florida, $5,830 for Research in Measurement of Affective Display in Humans.

Supervisor of American Epilepsy Foundation, Student Summer Fellowship (Kelly Alexander) $1500, Impact of Partial Epilepsy on Social and Attentional Behaviors in Children.

NIMH: (4-1-90 to 3-31-95: Early Brain Lesions and Affective Behavior in Children. #RO1 MH 44689-01A2, for $126,018, first year. Principal Investigator: K. Voeller, M.D. (now on a no-cost extension) The major goals of this project were to compare the ability to process social-emotional affective information in three groups of children (those with right- and left-hemisphere lesions and normal controls) at three different age levels

NICHD: (1-1-96 to 12-31-1999): Prevention and Remediation of Reading Disabilities. #RO1 HD30988 Principal Investigator: J. Torgeson, Ph.D., Florida State University. NICHD: The goal of this project was to evaluate the efficacy of two specific remediation techniques for children with dyslexia and define the neurocognitive profiles of children who respond well and those who do not. My role on this project involved participating in the research design, conducting the initial neurological and neurocognitive assessments, treating and monitoring the subjects with ADHD when appropriate.

(1-1-99 to 12-31-2003): (Competing Continuation) Prevention and Remediation of Reading Disabilities. #RO1 HD30988, Principal Investigator: J. Torgeson, Ph.D., Florida State University. The goal of this project was to determine if intensive focus on reading fluency effectively improved reading efficiency, compared to focusing on phonological awareness and semantics. My role on this project involved participating in the research design, conducting the initial neurological assessments, treating and monitoring the subjects with ADHD when appropriate.

NICHD: (12/01/01 to 11/30/2006): Principal Investigator: Charles Schwartz, Greenwood Genetic Center, X-Linked Mental Retardation –Linkage & Clinical Studies. HD 26202-11A1. The major goals of this project are to conduct linkage studies for X-Linked mental retardation syndromes, characterize their clinical and neurobehavioral, neuroanatomical, and neuropathological phenotypes, and map additional XLMR syndromes. My role in this project was to define the neurocognitive profiles of subjects with specific XLMR syndromes.

Consultant: NIMH K23 MH01739 “Neuroimmunology of Childhood Psychiatric Disorders” Principal Investigator: Tanya K. Murphy, M.D. 2/01 to 1/06 ($774,205)



Voeller KKS, Pappas GD, Purpura D: Electron microscope study of the development of cat superficial neocortex. Experimental Neurology 1963; 7:107-130.

David O, Clark J, Voeller KKS: Hyperactivity and lead poisoning. Lancet II 1972; 900-903.

Voeller KKS, Rothenberg M: Psychosocial aspects of the management of seizures in children. Pediatrics 1973; 51:1072-1082. (Reprinted in: Stella Chess and Alexander Thomas (Eds.), Annual Progress in Child Psychiatry and Child Development, 1974. A selection of the year’s outstanding contributions to the understanding and treatment of the normal and disturbed child. Bruner/Mazel, Inc., 1975, pp. 384-400.)

Ford DH, Voeller KKS, Calligari B, Gresik E: Changes in neurons of the median eminence-arcuate region of rats induced by morphine treatment: An electron microscope study. Neurobiology 1974; 4:1-11.

Castells S, Voeller K, Vinas C: Association of brain dysfunction with growth retardation. Journal of Pediatrics 1974; 85:36-42.

David OJ, Hoffman SP, Sverd J, Clark J, Voeller KKS: Lead and hyperactivity. Behavioral response to chelation: A pilot study. American Journal of Psychiatry 1976; 133:1155-1158.

Kropp K, Voeller KKS: Cryptorchidism in meningomyelocele. Journal of Pediatrics 1981; 99:110-113.

Green AH, Voeller KKS, Gaines R, Kubie J: Neurological impairment in maltreated children. Child Abuse and Neglect 1981; 5:129-134.

Bachman K, Forney R, Voeller KKS: Monitoring phenytoin in salivary and plasma ultrafiltrates of pediatric patients. Therapeutic Drug Monitoring 1983; 5:325-329.

Bachman K, Voeller KKS, Forney R: Use of plasma unbound drug concentrations in adjusting phenytoin doses. Therapeutic Drug Monitoring 1984; 6:173-178.

Voeller KKS: Right hemisphere deficit syndrome in children. American Journal of Psychiatry 1986; 143:1004-1009. (Reprinted in: Stella Chess and Alexander Thomas (Eds), Annual Progress in Child Psychiatry and Child Development, 1987. A selection of the year’s outstanding contributions to the understanding and treatment of the normal and disturbed child, [volume 20]. Bruner/Mazel, Inc., 1987, pp. 381-393.)

Voeller KKS, Armus J: A comparison of reading ability and strategies in genetic dyslexics and children with right and left brain deficits. Annals of Dyslexia 1986; 36:270-286.

Savolaine ER, Voeller K, Gunning W, Smith RR: Computed tomography in neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis: Four case reports. Journal of Computed Tomography 1987; 11:73-78.

Voeller K, Heilman KM: Attention deficit disorder: A neglect syndrome in children? Neurology 1988; 38:806-807.

Voeller KKS, Hanson JA, Wendt RN: Facial affect recognition in children: A comparison of the performance of children with right and left hemisphere lesions. Neurology 1988; 38:1744-1745.

Voeller KKS: Right hemisphere deficit syndrome in children: A neurological perspective. International Pediatrics 1990; 5:166-70.

Voeller KKS: The neurological basis of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. International Pediatrics 1990; 5:171-176.

Leonard CM, Voeller KKS, Kuldau, JM: When’s a smile a smile? Or how to identify the message by digitizing the signal. Psychological Science 1991; 2:166-172.

Voeller KKS: Toward a neurobiologic nosology of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Journal of Child Neurology, 1991; 6(Suppl):S2-S8.

Hynd GW, Hern KL, Voeller KKS, Marshall RM: Neurobiological basis of attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). School Psychology Review 1991; 20:173-185.  Reprinted in: Small DL (ed.) 1997. Attention Disorders in Children, Washington D.C., National Association of School Psychologists, pp. 41-49

Voeller KKS: Clinical management of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Journal of Child Neurology 1991; 6(Suppl):S49-S65.

Heilman KM, Voeller KKS, Nadeau SE: A possible pathophysiologic substrate of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Journal of Child Neurology 1991; 6 (Suppl):S74-S79.

Voeller KKS: What can neurological models of attention, intention, and arousal tell us about attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder. Journal of Neuropsychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences 1991; 3:209-216.

Alexander A, Andersen H, Voeller KKS, Torgesen JK: Phonological awareness training and remediation of analytic decoding deficits in a group of severe dyslexics. Annals of Dyslexia 1991; 41:193-206.

Voeller KKS: The social emotional learning disabilities. Psychiatric Annals 1991; 21:735-741.

Leonard CM, Voeller KKS, Lombardino LL, Morris MK, Hynd GW, Alexander AW, Andersen HG, Garofalakis M, Honeyman JC, Mao J, Agee OF, Staab EV: Anomalous cerebral morphology in dyslexia revealed with MR imaging. Archives of Neurology 1993; 50:461-469.

Leonard CM, Williams CW, Nicholls RD, Agee OF, Voeller KKS: Angelman and Prader-Willi syndrome: A magnetic resonance imaging study of differences in cerebral structure. American Journal of Medical Genetics 1993; 46:26-33.

Voeller KKS: Neurobiologic substrates of social-emotional behaviors. American Speech-Language Hearing Association. Division 2 Special Interest Divisions: Neurophysiology and Neurogenic Speech and Language Disorders. American Speech-Language Hearing Association, 1993; 3:20-26.

Hynd GW, Hern LL, Novey ES, Eliopulos D, Marshall R, Gonzalez JJ, Voeller KKS: Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and asymmetry of the caudate nucleus. Journal of Child Neurology 1993; 8:339-347.

Voeller KKS: Clinical neurological aspects of the right hemisphere deficit syndrome. Journal of Child Neurology 1995; 10:S16-S22.

Heilman KM, Voeller KKS, Alexander AW: Developmental dyslexia: A motor-articulatory feedback hypothesis. Annals of Neurology 1996; 39:407-412.

Voeller KKS: Neurobiology of autism. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 1996; 26:189-193.

Lubs,H, Abidi FE, Blaymore J-A, Abuelo D, Ouzts LV, Voeller K, Stevenson RE, Schwartz CE, Arena F: An XLMR syndrome characterized by multiple respiratory infections, hypertelorism, severe CNS deterioration and early death localizes to distal Xq28. American Journal of Medical Genetics 1999; 85:243-249.

Murphy TK, Goodman WK, Ayoub EM, Voeller KKS: On defining Sydenham chorea: Where do we draw the line? Biological Psychiatry 2000;47:1-7.

Torgesen JK, Alexander AW, Wagner RK, Rashotte CA, Voeller KKS, Conway T: Intensive remedial instruction for children with severe reading disabilities: Immediate and long-term outcomes from two instructional approaches. Journal of Learning Disabilities 2001;34:33-58

Boyar FZ, Filbrandt M.M., Lossie AC., Gray BA, Keller KL, Stalker H.J., Zori R.T., Geffken G., Mutch PJ, Edge P, Voeller KKS, Williams CA, Driscoll DJ: A family with a grand-maternally derived interstitial duplication of proximal 15q. Clinical Genetics 2001;60:421-430.

Voeller KKS: A multidimensional perspective on learning disabilities. Journal of Child Neurology 2004 19; 738-739.

Voeller KKS: Dyslexia (editorial). Journal of Child Neurology 2004 19; 740-744.

Powell KB, Voeller KKS: Prefrontal executive function syndromes in children. Journal of Child Neurology 2004 19; 785-797.

Voeller KKS: Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Journal of Child Neurology 2004 19; 798-814.

Sundheim SVTP, Voeller KKS: Psychiatric implications of language disorders and learning disabilities: Risks and management. Journal of Child Neurology 2004 19; 798-826.

Schwartz, CE, May MM, Carpenter NJ, Rogers RC, Martin J, Bialer MG, Ward J, Sanabria J, Marsa S, Lewis JA, Echeverri R, Lubs HA, Voeller K, Simensen RJ, Stevenson RE: Allan-Herndon-Dudley Syndrome and the Monocarboxylate Transporter 8 (MCT8) Gene Am. J. Hum. Genet. 2005;77;41-53.

Contributor to the Learning Disorders Section: ICDL-DMIC Work Groups, S. I. Greenspan. Chair. Interdisciplinary Council on Developmental and Learning Disorders Diagnostic Manual For Infancy And Early Childhood Mental Health Disorders, Developmental Disorders, Regulatory-Sensory Processing Disorders, Language Disorders, and Learning Challenges – ICDL-DMIC. Bethesda, MD: Interdisciplinary Council on Developmental and Learning Disorders, 2005.

Kesler SR, ,Simensen RJ, ,Voeller K, ,Abidi F, ,Stevenson RE, ,Schwartz CE, ,Reiss AL,, Altered neurodevelopment associated with mutations of RSK2: a morphometric MRI study of Coffin-Lowry syndrome Neurogenetics. 2007 Apr;8(2):143-7.

Marble MR, Voeller, KKS, May MM, Stevenson RE, Schwartz CE, Simenson RJ: Pelizaeus-Merzbacher Syndrome: Neurocognitive Function in a Family With Carrier Manifestations.  American Journal of Medical Genetics. In press.

Kemph JP, Voeller KKS: Reactive Attachment Disorder in Adolescence. Adolescent Psychiatry vol 30. Annals of the American Society for Adolescent Psychiatry. 2008 30; 159-178,. 

Daffner KR1Gale SA2Barrett AM2Boeve BF2Chatterjee A2Coslett HB2D’Esposito M2Finney GR2Gitelman DR2Hart JJ Jr2Lerner AJ2Meador KJ2,Pietras AC2Voeller KS2Kaufer DI: Neurology. Improving clinical Cognitive Testing: Report of the AAN Behavioral Neurology Section Workgroup. Neurology 2015 85:910-918.


Baron IS, Fennell EB, Voeller KKS: Pediatric Neuropsychology in a Medical Setting, Oxford University Press, June 1995.

Associate (Section Editor) Neurology, Textbook of Pediatric Neuropsychiatry, Coffey E, Brumbach R (eds): American Psychiatric Association Inc. Press, 1998

Associate Editor. Pediatric Neuropsychiatry, Coffey E, Brumbach R (eds).,  Lippincott. 2006


Voeller KKS: Neurology, in Mental Retardation 1968. J Wortis (ed). Grune and Stratton, 1968.

Voeller KKS: Neurology, in Mental Retardation 1969. J Wortis (ed). Grune and Stratton, 1969.

Voeller KKS: Neurology, in Mental Retardation 1971. J Wortis (ed). Grune and Stratton, 1972.

Ford DH, Rhines RK, Voeller K: Morphine effects on neurons of the median eminence and on other neurons. In: Kroc Foundation Symposia, Number 2. Zimmermann E, George R (eds). Raven Press, New York, 1974, pp. 51-68.

Voeller KKS: A proposed extended behavioral, cognitive and sensorimotor pediatric neurological examination. In: Minimal Brain Dysfunction, A Clinical Approach. R Ochroch (ed). Human Sciences Press, New York, 1981, pp. 65-90.

Wilcox EM, Voeller KKS: Managing conflict: guidelines for the academic chairman. In: Proceedings, Academic Chairpersons Conference; Administrative Responsibilities, JM Virgo (ed). January, 1984.

Voeller KKS, Clegg W, Wilcox EM, Straub R, Elevich C: Technique for cost effective patient scheduling. In: Exploring New Vistas in Health Care, JM Virgo (ed). International Health Economics and Management Institute, Edwardsville, Illinois, 1985, pp. 289-296.

Voeller KKS: Value of health care and its impact on health care delivery. In: Restructuring Health Policy: An International Challenge, JM Virgo (ed).  International Health Economics and Management Institute, Edwardsville, Illinois, 1986, pp. 319-328.

Crary MA, Voeller KKS, Haak NJ: Questions of developmental neurolinguistic assessment. In: Assessments in Child Neuropsychology, M Tramontana, S Hooper (eds).  Plenum Press, New York, 1989, pp. 249-279.

Voeller KKS: The neurobiologic basis of learning disabilities. In: School Dysfunction in Children and Youth, EH Wender (ed). Report of the Twenty-Fourth Ross Roundtable on Critical Approaches to Common Pediatric Problems in Collaboration with the Ambulatory Pediatric Association. Ross Products Division, Abbott Laboratories, Columbus, 1993, pp. 25-32.

Voeller KKS: Techniques for measuring social competence in children. In: Frames of Reference for the Assessment of Learning Disability: New Views on Measurement Issues, GR Lyon (ed). Paul H Brooks Publishing Co, Baltimore, 1994, pp. 523-554.

Voeller KKS: Social and Emotional Learning Disabilities. In: Behavioral Neurology and Neuropsychology, TE Feinberg, MJ Farah (eds). McGraw Hill, 1997, pp 795-802.

Voeller KKS: Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder I: Neurobiological and clinical aspects of attention and disorders of attention. In E Coffey, R Brumbach (eds). Textbook of Pediatric Neuropsychiatry, American Psychiatric Association Press, Inc., Washington, D.C., 1998 (pp 449-482)

Voeller KKS: Learning Disabilities II: Nonverbal learning disabilities, and motor skills disorders. In: E Coffey, R Brumbach (eds). Textbook of Pediatric Neuropsychiatry, American Psychiatric Association Press, Inc., Washington, D.C., 1998 (pp. 719-767)

Voeller KKS: Neurobiology of language development. In: E Coffey, R Brumbach (eds).Textbook of Pediatric Neuropsychiatry, American Psychiatric Association Press, Inc., Washington, D.C. 1998 (pp. 769-800).

Cantwell DP, State MW, Voeller KKS: Speech and language disorders. In: E Coffey, R Brumbach (eds). Textbook of Pediatric Neuropsychiatry American Psychiatric Association Press, Inc., Washington, D.C. 1998 (pp. 801-819).

Roper SN, Voeller KKS: Cerebral dysgenesis. In: Textbook of Pediatric Neuropsychiatry, E Coffey, R Brumbach (eds). American Psychiatric Association Press, Inc., Washington, D.C. 1998. (pp. 1033-1072)

Ryan RM, Sundheim STPV, Voeller KKS: Medical Diseases. In: Textbook of Pediatric Neuropsychiatry, E Coffey, R Brumbach (eds). American Psychiatric Association Press, Inc., Washington, D.C., 1998. (pp. 1223-1272)

Sundheim STPV, Ryan RM, Voeller KKS: Mental retardation. In: Textbook of Pediatric Neuropsychiatry, E Coffey, R Brumbach (eds). American Psychiatric Association Press, Inc., Washington, D.C., 1998.(pp. 649-690)

Voeller, KKS: Neurobiological Factors Underlying the Comorbidity of Attentional Dysfunction and Dyslexia, in The Extraordinary Brain, D. Duane (ed.) York Press 1999

Voeller, KKS: Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder as a Frontal-Subcortical Disorder. In Frontal-Subcortical Circuits in Neurology and Psychiatry, D. G.Lichter and J.L. Cummings (eds.) (Guilford Press) 2001;334-371.

Voeller, KKS: Attention Deficit. In Continuum: Lifelong Learning in Neurology, A Program of the American Academy of Neurology, 8:74-112. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, October 2002, pp 74-112.

Murphy,TK, Voeller,KKS, Blier,P. Neurobiology of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. In. Textbook of Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacology: Principles and Practice. A Martin, L Scahill, DS Charney, JF Leckman, (Oxford University Press), 2003, pp 150-163.

Voeller KKS: Social and Emotional Learning Disabilities. In: Behavioral Neurology and Neuropsychology, second edition. TE Feinberg, MJ Farah (eds). McGraw Hill, 2003.

Voeller KKS: Mental Retardation. In: Behavioral Neurology and Neuropsychology, second edition, TE Feinberg, MJ Farah (eds). McGraw Hill, 2003.

Voeller, KKS. Dyslexia. In, Pediatric Neuropsychiatry, (E. Coffey, R. Brumback, D.R. Rosenberg, K.K.S. Voeller (eds), Lippinocott, 2006..

Voeller, KKS. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. In, Pediatric Neuropsychiatry, (E. Coffey, R. Brumback, D.R. Rosenberg, K.K.S. Voeller (eds), Lippinocott 2006

Sundheim, TPV and Voeller, KKS: Mental Retardation. In, Pediatric Neuropsychiatry, (E. Coffey, R. Brumback, D.R. Rosenberg, K.K.S. Voeller (eds), Lippinocott, 2006

Murphy,TK, Voeller,KKS, Stewart. SE:. Neurobiology of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. In. Textbook of Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacology: Principles and Practice. A Martin, L Scahill, DS Charney, JF Leckman, (Oxford University Press), 2010. in press.


Harris JH, Rayport M, Delamater PV, Tomc JW, Voeller KKS: Multicentric CNS tumors following radiation therapy for a craniopharyngioma. Journal of Neuropathology and Experimental Neurology 1980; 39:359.

Voeller KKS, Hanson J: The effect of right hemisphere deficit on affect recognition in children. Annals of Neurology 1983; 14:360 (Platform presentation, Child Neurology Society, October, 1983).

Voeller KKS, Alhambra M, Armus J: Atypical computed tomographic scans and cerebral asymmetries in dyslexic children and adolescents. Annals of Neurology 1983; 14:362-363 (Poster, Child Neurology Society, October, 1983).

Voeller KKS, Forney RG, Bachman KA: Application of salivary phenytoin monitoring in patient management. Annals of Neurology 1983; 14:368 (Poster, Child Neurology Society, October, 1983).

Voeller KKS: Naming ability and strategies in hyperlexic children. Annals of Neurology 1985; 18:393 (Poster, Child Neurology Society, October, 1985).

Voeller KKS, Steinemann T: A comparison of methods of CT scan measurements. Neurology 1986; 36:S348 (Poster, American Academy of Neurology, May, 1986).

Voeller KKS: The significance of incongruent hand skill and hand preference in children. Annals of Neurology 1986; 20:414 (Poster, Child Neurology Society, October, 1986).

Voeller K, Gonzalez-Rothi LJ, Armus J: A six-year follow-up study of language and cognitive development after a left-hemisphere infarct in a 9-year-old girl. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology 1987; 9:40 (Poster, International Neuropsychological Society, 1987).

Voeller KKS, Gonzalez-Rothi LJ, Lombardino L, Mack L, Heilman KM: Developmental dyspraxia of the left hand in normal right handed children. Neurology 1987; 37 (Suppl 1), p.178 (Poster, American Academy of Neurology, April, 1987).

Voeller KKS: The association of specific patterns of cerebral asymmetries with neuropsychological deficit. Annals of Neurology 1987; 22:409 (Poster, Child Neurology Society, October, 1987).

Voeller KKS, Gonzalez-Rothi LJ, Armus J: Single word comprehension in hyperlexic children. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology 1988; 10:91 (Poster, International Neuropsychological Society, January, 1988).

Voeller KKS: Cerebral asymmetry in situs inversus. Neurology 1988; 38:S165 (Poster, American Academy of Neurology, April, 1988).

Voeller KKS, Heilman KM: Motor impersistence in children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder: Evidence for right-hemisphere dysfunction. Annals of Neurology 1988; 24:71 (Poster, Child Neurology Society, September, 1988).

Voeller KKS, Alexander AW, Carter RL, Heilman KM: Motor impersistence in children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder decreases in response to treatment with methylphenidate. Neurology 1989; 39:S276 (Platform presentation, American Academy of Neurology, April, 1989).

Voeller KKS, Alexander, A, Heilman KM: Defective response inhibition in attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Neurology 1990; 38: Suppl 1 (Platform presentation, American Academy of Neurology, May, 1990).

Voeller KKS, Mutch PJ, Edge P, Maurer RG. Neuropsychological study of a child with no language. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology 1990; 12:63 (Platform presentation, International Neuropsychological Society, February, 1990).

Voeller KKS, Ferguson S, Rayport M, Heilman KM: Extinction after complete callosotomy. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology 1990; 12:96 (Poster, International Neuropsychological Society, February, 1990). 

Voeller KKS, Heilman KM, Alexander A, Marks RG: Neural heterogeneity of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Neurology 1991; 41: S181 (Platform presentation, American Academy of Neurology, April, 1991).

Voeller KKS, Morris M, Edge P: Measurement of trunk and extremity movements in hyperactive and non-hyperactive children. Annals of Neurology 1991; 30:476 (Poster, Child Neurology Society, October, 1991).

Voeller KKS. Neural substrates of social-communication disorders in children. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology, 1992; 14:369. (Platform presentation, International Neuropsychological Society, July, 1992).

Voeller KKS, Morris M, Edge P, Rao PV, Heilman KM: Attentional strategies in children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder: Response to methylphenidate. Neurology 1992; 42:A462 (Platform presentation, American Academy of Neurology, 1992).

Voeller KKS, Edge P, Morris M, Rao PV, Heilman KM: The Wisconsin Card Sorting Test as a measure of response to methylphenidate in children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology 1993; 15:82 (Poster, International Neuropsychological Society, February, 1993).

Voeller KKS, Edge P, Davis TL, Heilman KM: Stopping in attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Neurology 1993; 43:A250 (Poster, American Academy of Neurology, 1993).

Voeller KKS, Marcus BA, Lewis MH: Multiple estimates of dopaminergic function in ADHD children. Biological Psychiatry 1993; 33:110A (Poster, Society for Biological Psychiatry, San Francisco, CA, 1993).

Voeller KKS, Edge P, Heilman KM: Motor intentional deficits in adult ADHD. Neurology 1993; 44, A329 (Platform presentation, American Academy of Neurology, New York, NY, 1993).

Voeller KKS, Edge P, Heilman KM: Defective response inhibition (motor distractibility) in ADHD. Biological Psychiatry 1994; 35:608 (Poster, Society for Biological Psychiatry, Philadelphia, PA, 1994).

Voeller KKS, Edge P: Parcellating prefrontal functions: comparison of diagnostic efficiency of prefrontal tasks in attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder. Annals of Neurology 1995; 38:497 (Platform presentation, Child Neurology Society Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MD, 1995).

Voeller KKS, Edge P, Mann L: Dyslexia modifies cancellation task performance in children with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder. Neurology 1996; 46:A114 (Platform presentation, American Academy of Neurology, San Francisco, CA, April, 1996).

Voeller KKS, Bogoian R, Geffken G, Wilson C, Edge P, Garofalakis M, Mutch PJ: Comorbidity of ADHD and dyslexia in adults. The Journal of Neuropsychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences 1997; 9:149 (Poster presentation, American Neuropsychiatric Association, Orlando, FL, February, 1997).

Voeller KKS, Alexander AW, Torgesen JK, Rashotte CA, Wagner RK: Anomia as a predictor of response to intensive treatment for dyslexia. Neurology 60; A 179 (Platform presentation, American Academy of Neurology, Honolulu Hawaii, March 2003).

Voeller KKS, Simensen RJ, Powell C, Skinner C, Abidi F, Stevenson RE: Molecular factors in verbal memory function in Coffin-Lowry carrier females. A201 (Poster presentation, American Academy of Neurology, Honolulu Hawaii, March 2003).

Murphy TK, Swedo SE, Voeller KKS: PANDAS: Update: Assessment and Treatment. Workshop C, Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Miami, FL, October 2003.


Voeller KKS, Kemph J: Striving for objectivity in pharmacotherapy. VI World Congress of Psychiatry, August, 1977.

Voeller KKS, Kemph J: Long-term effect of haloperidol in children. VI World Congress of Psychiatry, August, 1977.

Voeller KKS, Wilcox EM: Management in a matrix structure. Academic Chairpersons Conference: Administrative Responsibilities, January, 1984.

Voeller KKS, Clegg W, Wilcox EM, Straub R, Elevich C: Technique for cost effective patient scheduling. International Economics of Health Care Conference, March, 1984.

Tallman JH, Voeller KKS, Wendt RN: Localized right cerebral dysfunction and auditory affect recognition in children. American Psychological Association, Ontario, Canada, August, 1984.

Voeller KKS: Determination of value of health care and its impact on health care delivery. International Health Economics Management Institute, March, 1985.

Voeller KKS, Armus J: A comparison of reading strategies and abilities of children with right and left brain lesions dysfunction and genetic dyslexia. 1985 Annual Conference of the Orton Dyslexia Society.

Voeller KKS: Hyperlexia: A developmental disconnection syndrome? International Neuropsychological Society, February, 1986.

Voeller KKS. Impact of DRG payments on reimbursement for hospital charges for handicapped children. International Health Economics Management Institute, April, 1986.

Voeller KKS, Heilman KM: Right hemisphere dysfunction and ADD. American Psychiatric Association Annual Meeting, (New Research), May, 1987.

Voeller KKS, Bartucci RJ, Leonard T: Rating the expression of facial affect in children. American Psychiatric Association Annual Meeting, (New Research), May, 1987.

Voeller KKS, Heilman KM: Attention deficit disorder–A neglect syndrome in children? American Neurological Association Meeting, 1987.

Voeller KKS, Hanson J: Facial affect recognition in children: A comparison of the performance of children with right and left hemisphere lesions. International Neuropsychological Society, January 1988.

Voeller KKS, Armus J. Analysis of word characteristics in specific reading tests, based on information-processing models: implications for evaluating dyslexics. Orton Dyslexia Society, November, 1988.

Voeller KKS, Kemph JP. Effects of haloperidol on disturbed children with organic brain deficits, Southern Medical Association, November, 1989.

Voeller KKS, Mutch PJ, Edge P, Maurer RG: Neuropsychological study of a child with no language. International Neuropsychological Society, February, 1990.

Leonard CM, Kuldau JM, Voeller K, Honeyman J, Agee F, Mancuso AA: MRI studies of gyral anatomy in neuropsychiatry. New Research, American Psychiatric Association, May, 1993.

Voeller KKS: Diagnostic efficiency of response inhibition deficit in ADHD. International Society for Research in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Los Angeles, CA, January, 1996.

Voeller KKS, Bogoian R, Geffken G, Wilson C, Edge P, Garofalakis M, Edge PJ: Clinical spectrum of ADHD in adult women. American Psychiatric Association. San Diego, CA, May, 1997.

Voeller K, Simensen R, Stevenson R, Skinner, C, Schwartz C: Cognitive Function in Carrier Females in an X-Linked Craniofacioskeletal Syndrome. Poster presentation, 12th International Workshop on Fragile X and X-Linked Mental Retardation, Williamsburg VA August 2005.

Voeller K, Simensen R, Powell, C, Skinner, C, Abidi F, Stevenson RE, Schwartz C: Verbal Memory Function in Coffin-Lowry Carriers. Platform presentation 12th International Workshop on Fragile X and X-Linked Mental Retardation, Williamsburg VA August 2005.

Koelemay SW, Smith N, Botwinick J, Voeller KKS: Excessive Variability of Reaction Time to Auditory vs Visual Stimuli in a Subgroup of Learning Disabled Subjects. Poster presentation American Neuropsychiatric Association, San Diego CA, 2006.  

Schlenz A, Gitten-Aloia J, Riordan JE, Voeller KKS: Rapid Naming Deficits May Simply Be Processing Speed Deficits in Children Diagnosed with Developmental Dyslexia. Poster presentation, International Neuropsychological Society, 2008.

Schlenz A, Gitten-Aloia J, Riordan JE, Voeller KKS: Neurophysiological Factors that Impact on Rapid Color Naming Speed, Poster presentation American Neuropsychiatric Association, Savannah GA, 2008.

Gitten-Aloia J, Ward K, Pasha S, Riordan J, Voeller KKS: Improvements in Rapid Naming Following Intensive Intervention in Phonological Awareness. Poster presented at the International Neuropsychological Society Meeting, Boston MA, February 2011.

Morris J, Aloia JG., Riordan J, Masi A, Voeller KKS:No Words for Feelings: The Emotional Word Fluency Test. Poster presented at the American Neuropsychiatric Association, Denver CO March 2011.

Ward K, Gitten-Aloia J, Riordan J, Pasha S, Voeller KKS. Attentional Impairment Does Not Predict Response to Phonological Awareness Treatment or Concomitant Improvement in Rapid Automatized Naming. Poster presented at the American Neuropsychiatric Association, Denver CO March 2011.

Voeller KKS Aloia JG., Riordan J. No Longer Diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder: Early Intervention for Language Dysfunction Significantly Improves Behavioral Functioning in Children. Poster presented at the American Neuropsychiatric Association, Denver CO March 2011.


Voeller KKS: Childhood language disorders. 12th Annual Course in Behavioral Neurology and Neuropsychology, Florida Society of Neurology, Lake Buena Vista, December, 1986.

Voeller KKS: The development of praxis in children. 14th Annual Course in Behavioral Neurology and Neuropsychology, Florida Society of Neurology, Lake Buena Vista, December, 1988.

Voeller KKS: ADHD and right hemisphere dysfunction, Bloomingdale Conference, October, 1989.

Voeller KKS: Neurological mechanisms of attentional disorders in children. 15th Annual Course in Behavioral Neurology and Neuropsychology, Florida Society of Neurology, Tampa, November, 1989.

Voeller KKS: Emotional disorders from hemispheric lesions in children. 16th Annual Course in Behavioral Neurology and Neuropsychology: Emotion and the Brain; Florida Society of Neurology, Lake Buena Vista, December, 1990.

Lecture: “Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.” Pediatric Pre-football Game Alumni Lecture Series, September 7, 1991.

Voeller KKS: Language disorders in children. 17th Annual Course in Behavioral Neurology and Neuropsychology: Language and Memory; Florida Society of Neurology, Lake Buena Vista, December, 1991.

Pre-Conference diagnostic symposium: Nosology of autism, Learning Disability Association, March 3, 1992 (in conjunction with National Institute of Child Health and Human Development).

Voeller KKS. Non-verbal learning disabilities; right hemisphere syndromes. Annual Medical Symposium, New York Branch of the Orton Dyslexia Society, in Cooperation with The National Dyslexia Research Foundation, March 20, 1992.

Voeller KKS. Techniques for measuring social competence in children. Presented at the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development Working Conference on Measurement in Learning Disability. April, 1992.

Voeller KKS. Neurophysiology of ADHD. American Society for Adolescent Psychiatry, 25th Annual Meeting, May 2, 1992.

MacArthur Workshop on children with focal brain injury, University of California, San Diego, July 24-26, 1992.

Voeller KKS. The neurobiologic basis of learning disabilities, Twenty-Fourth Ross Roundtable on Critical Approaches to Common Pediatric Problems in Collaboration with the Ambulatory Pediatric Association. September 12-14, 1992.

Voeller KKS: Recent Advances in Dyslexia. Florida Chapter, Orton Dyslexia Society. Gainesville Fl. September 18, 1992.

Voeller KKS. Social-emotional aspects of learning disabilities. Presented at the 43rd Annual Conference of The Orton Dyslexia Society, November 1992.

Voeller KKS, Alexander AW. Dyslexia: Neurobehavioral Aspects and Remediation. Pediatric Grand Rounds, April 23, 1993

Voeller KKS. Social emotional disorders from a neurobiological perspective. 44th Annual Conference of the Orton Dyslexia Society, November 5, 1993.

Voeller KKS. Neuropsychological outcome after early acquired lesions. Satellite Symposium: Neurobiologic Aspects of Epilepsy Surgery in Early Childhood. American Epilepsy Society, December 4, 1993.

Voeller KKS: Developmental and lesion-induced disorders of emotional behavior in children. 19th Annual Course in Behavioral Neurology and Neuropsychology: The Brain and Emotion; Florida Society of Neurology, Lake Buena Vista, December, 1993.

Voeller KKS. Neurological basis of social competence. Neurosciences Workshop: Social Competence: A neurobehavioral perspective. Learning Disability Association Research Committee and National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, March 16, 1994.

Voeller KKS. Attention Deficit Disorders: Pathophysiology and Treatment. American Academy of Neurology. Behavioral Neurology Course, May 1994.

Voeller KKS. Keynote address. Neuropsychiatric Aspects of Primary Care. Tulane University. New Orleans, LA. February 17, 1995.

Voeller KKS: Recent advances in the neurology of reading. Orton Dyslexia Society, Southeast Regional Spring Conference. Greenville SC, April 1, 1995

Voeller KKS. Neurobiology of Autism. National Institutes of Health, Autism 1995: State-of-the-Science Conference. April 10‑12, 1995.

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder & related neuropsychiatric disorders, Pediatric Rounds April 27, 1995

Voeller KKS: Overview of the neurobiology of dyslexia. Florida Chapter, Orton Dyslexia Society, Florida Branch. Gainesville FL, September 20, 1995 (Moderator/Organizer)

Voeller KKS: Neurological and behavioral basis of ADD/ADHD. Lindamood-Bell National Research and Training Conference. San Francisco, March 28-30, 1996.

Voeller KKS: Social emotional learning disabilities. Northwest University Learning Disabilities Conference on Nonverbal Disorders. Chicago, IL, May 4, 1996.

Voeller KKS: Dynamics of Dyslexia and Attention Deficit Disorder. Florida Chapter, Orton Dyslexia Society. Tallahassee, FL, September 20, 1996.

Voeller KKS: Treatment of ADHD. Florida Neurological Society. Orlando, FL, December, 1996.

Voeller KKS: ADHD as a frontal-subcortical disorder. Symposium on Frontal-Subcortical Disorders, American Academy of Neurology, Boston, April 1997.

Voeller, KKS: Neurobiology of Dyslexia, Florida Chapter, Orton Dyslexia Society. Miami FL. September 27, 1996.

Voeller, KKS: Clinical Features and Social and Emotional Concomitants of Nonverbal Learning Disorders, Symposium, Scottsdale Memorial Hospital, November 1, 1997

Voeller, KKS: Developmental Disorders of Facial Processing, Behavioral Neurology Course American Academy Neurology, Minneapolis, April 1998

Voeller, KKS: Neurobiological Factors Underlying the Comorbidity of Attention Deficit Disorder and Dyslexia, Paper presented at the NationalDyslexia Research Foundation, Hilo, June 1998

Voeller,KKS: Dyslexia: a neurologist’s perspective. Mind/Brain/Behavior Interfaculty Initiative Brain Bases of Learning Disorders: The Case of Reading. Harvard University, October 15-16, 1998

Voeller,KKS, The development of frontal lobe function in children, the 24th Annual course in Behavioral Neurology and Neuropsychology: The Frontal Lobes: function and Dysfunction in Adults and Children. Florida Neurological Society December 12, 1998, Orlando.

Voeller, KKS: Rapid Automatized Naming in Reading: Double Deficit or Not? Presented at the 9th Annual International Lindamood-Bell Learning Processes Conference, March 23, 2001. Anaheim

Voeller KKS: Recent Progress in Brain Processes Underlying Dyslexia and ADD. Keynote Address, Arizona Chapter, International Dyslexia Association. Scottsdale AZ April 2001.

Sundheim STPV, Voeller KKS : If He is So Smart, Why Can’t He Function Without a Treatment Team? Effective Management of Deficits in Prefrontal Executive Function. Presentation National Association for Dually Diagnosed, Denver November 2002.

Voeller KKS: Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. Symposium at the International Association for Research in Learning Disabilities. Ann Arbor, MI July 2004.

Voeller KKS: What We Have Learned about the Neurobiology of Learning Disabilities and How This Can Help Your Child. (Keynote Address). Texas Learning Disabilities Association, Austin Tx. October 2004.

Voeller, KKS and Marti L: Executive Function Deficits in NLD –What They Are & How to Cope. Nonverbal Learning Disabilities Association, March 11 2005, San Francisco

Voeller, KKS. Dyslexia and Disruptive Behavioral Disorders: Diagnosis and Treatment. Arizona Psychological Society. October 7, 2005.

Voeller KKS:Children with LD and Disruptive Behavior Disorders: Evaluation, Treatment & School Placement, Invited Lecture at the Annual Meeting of the Arizona Psychological Society. Scottsdale AZ. October 2005.

Voeller KKS and Greenspan S: Early Indicators of Learning Disorders and Approaches to Preventive Interventions. Presented at the Ninth International Conference of the Interdisciplinary Council on Developmental and Learning Disorders: Autism and Disorders of Relating and Communicating. McLean VA, November 2005.

Voeller KKS:The Young Child with Dyslexia: Early Identification and Effective Treatment, Invited presentation to the Colorado Kindergarten Teacher’s Association. Broomfield, CO, November 2005.

Voeller KKS: ADHD Across the Life Span. Invited lecture, presented at the Arizona Psychiatric Society Annual Meeting, April 10, 2010.

Voeller KKS, Gitten-Aloia J., Riordan J: No Longer Diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder: Early Intervention for Language Dysfunction Significantly Improves Behavioral Functioning in Children., platform presentation, American Neuropsychiatric Association, Denver CO, March 2011.

Gitten-Aloia J, Ward K, Pasha S, Riordan J, Voeller KKS: Improvements in Rapid Naming Following Intensive Intervention in Phonological Awareness. Poster presented at the International Neuropsychological Society Meeting, Boston MA, February 2011.

Morris J, Gitten-Aloia J, Riordan J, Masi A, Voeller, KKS:No Words for Feelings: The Emotional Word Fluency Test. Poster presented at the American Neuropsychiatric Association, Denver CO March 2011.

Ward K, Gitten-Aloia J, Riordan J, Pasha S, Voeller, KKS. Attentional Impairment Does Not Predict Response to Phonological Awareness Treatment or Concomitant Improvement in Rapid Automatized Naming. Poster presented at the American Neuropsychiatric Association, Denver CO March 2011.

Ann Alexander, MD, Kytja Voeller, MD and Stacy Fretheim, MS, CCC-SLP: Enhancing Receptive and Expressive Language Through Intensive Phonemic Awareness Training.
Poster presented at the American Speech & Hearing Association Meeting, November 18, 2016.

Arizona Psychiatric Society, Invited Lecture at the 2019 Annual Conference, Learning Disorders over the Life Span. April 27. 2019. /